# My products

It’s very easy to view and manage the products in your store with Dealar. In My Products page, you have the freedom to check the products pushed or imported from your Shopify/Shoplazza store, and you can do the products mapping before placing orders.

# Address


Product / My Products

# Screenshot

# How to use

  • enter keyword to search
  • product detail

  • variant mapping

# variant mapping

if product is not publish by Dealar and your product is not linked to any Dealar suppliers.then you can not able to place the orders for this product to Dealar. here is the solution for you:

  • find suppliers for your product first and copy dealar product Id

  • click mapping button and click sku mapping

  • click here to change available country

  • paste dealar product id you just copied in find suppliers

  • select the relevant variant

  • [Repair existing order] button can help you to repair the matching relationship of orders related to this variant

  • click confirm button

  • then you will see success notification and mapping is success